October Update

After a few months of break I have continued development and last week published update

I am not sure what happened and when, but even the older versions of the program do not check for updates any more. OCv2 was automatically updated with Microsoft ClickOnce technology, and after a few hours I am still not able to solve the problem.

Windows Store Deployment soon – Recently Microsoft allowed non-UWP programs on Windows store so in the last days I have worked on that, but the account has to be manually enabled for that. Application has been submitted and I hope it will be approved soon. That should mean even more seamless updates than with ClickOnce, but it works only with Windows Anniversary update and later.

Since not all users will be able to use Windows Store to install and update the program, I will continue publishing ClickOnce and Portable version of the program for each new update.

A apologize for the inconvenience with automatic updates, and I will continue looking for a way to fix the problem. In the meantime please follow either Facebook Page or Twitter Page or Google Plus page to be notified on new updates.

October Update