This group contains a miscellany of useful settings, most of which are self-explanatory. They affect:
- On start: Tabs shown when One Commander starts up. The path can be an absolute path you'd like opened when a new window opens (e.g. D:\myFolder) or it can be a Windows environmental variable enclosed in % (e.g. %USERPROFILE%). "%USERPROFILE%" is a shorthand version of "C:\Users\<your account name>". So, for example, if you put "%USERPROFILE%\Documents" in the lower "On start:" box, when you start One Commander it opens a tab for your Documents folder (and, by implication, forgets the tabs that were open in your previous session).
- Creating a tab should: What a new tab shows when it's created. So, using the example in the previous bullet point, if you set this to "%USERPROFILE%\Documents", every new tab you create by clicking
at the end of the row of tabs opens your Documents folder.
- New tab should be placed: Where the new tab should be placed in relation to the current tab — immediately after the current tab, or at the right-hand end of the tabs.
- Tabs and favorites should show: Whether tabs and favorites should show the full path name or just the name of the folder. You can also change the "alias" — i.e. the name of favorites or tabs — by right-clicking and selecting "Change alias".
- Opening items: Whether you use single- or double-clicks to open items.
- Double-click on an archive should: What happens when you double-click on an archive file, for example a .zip file.
- Drag and Drop behavior: Windows has a particularly confusing way of handling dragging and dropping. One Commander always moves a path if it's being dragged, and always copies it with Ctrl+Drag. But if you prefer the Windows way of doing things, choose it here.
- Rename items by clicking again without moving cursor: The precise way of describing a slow double click, for renaming items.
2. Quick introductory guide:3. The Browsers and Layouts
2. Quick introductory guide:4. Folder columns
2. Quick introductory guide:5. Basic folder and file operations
3. Full reference guide:Browser Tabs
3. Full reference guide:File and Path Operations
3. Full reference guide:Folder Columns and Navigation Pane