Conventions and terminology used in this manual
Context Menu: The menu that pops up when you right-click on something.
Key presses: "<name of key>+" means hold a particular so-called "modifier" key (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) down while pressing another, e.g. "Ctrl+C". "Win" is the Windows key , which is present on most keyboards, usually to the left of the Spacebar.
Mouse buttons: LMB = left mouse button; similarly, MMB and RMB for middle and right mouse butttons. "Click" without any qualifications means LMB click.
Path: Folders and files are referred to generically as "paths", a shorter version of "pathname", which specifies the path the operating system must take to find a folder or file.
Screenshots: Things to look for are highlighted in red, e.g.:
Settings Location: The folder in which One Commander's settings are stored. It can be reached from the button on the Main Toolbar. It contains a number of sub-folders, including the Settings Folder, which you'll need to access if you want to move your settings to a copy of One Commander on another second computer.
Terminal: The generic name for programs that provide access to the Windows Command Line, for example CMD, PowerShell, Windows Terminal.
<.......>: Text enclosed in <> brackets is a placeholder for something else. So, for <user name> you would enter your actual Windows user name.
1. One Commander Version 3:Installing One Commander V3
2. Quick introductory guide:3. The Browsers and Layouts
2. Quick introductory guide:6. Sidebar
3. Full reference guide:Browser Tabs
3. Full reference guide:Favorites
3. Full reference guide:File and Path Operations
3. Full reference guide:Starting from Command line
3. Full reference guide:Using the Windows Clipboard
3. Full reference guide:Settings:Window