Update 2.3.0


Due to a bug with Store Apps and ActiveX components, this update doesn’t use ActiveX in File Preview (Space bar). If the Windows has appropriate Shell Extension for generating thumbnails for a certain file type, an image preview will be generated. For example, in case of PDF files, user will not be able to flip through pages within Preview, but will be presented with only the first page of the file (Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader needs to be installed and thumbnail option enabled in settings). The Portable and ClickOnce versions of One Commander from this page still support ActiveX. Once Microsoft resolves this issue, the ActiveX preview will be reenabled.

Program Messages are by default now shown in TitleBar instead of slide-down message. Due to unknown WPF rendering framework crashing while displaying information in this panel on some computers, messages have been moved to Title Bar, but these can be reenabled in program Settings.

Other various small bug-fixes have been made, and small UI tweaks and element alignment.

Update 2.3.0